AIS (Automatic Identification System) identity the position and the ship information.
GPS (Global Positioning System) providing position information and AIS system get the position information through it.
Please follow the operations manual or the video
Please go to the support-download page and you will see the latest software version on it.
The default we provide is Message 19 if you can receive the AIS signal on the target list but MMSI and ship name of AT-102. Please try to change it into Message 24.
You can put 17 digit number on it, the rest spaces need to show the battery power 1~9V at the end.
Please send it back to the distributor you bought it from or the original brand for the setting.
Please send it back to the distributor you bought it from or the original brand for the setting.
Please follow every single step on the User Manual. (Link)
Check another AIS receiver to see if the signal shows the device name and MMSI on it.
In the correct condition, AT-102, AT-106, and AT-108 request receive GPS signals before receiving AIS signal. Therefore, make sure you put the trackers outdoor without a blind. You can put on the new antenna or exchange two devices and antenna for comparison.
Please follow these steps:
1. Connect to the software to see the information was correct on it.
2. Check the antenna was set on the tracker properly.
3. Put the AT-102, AT-106, and AT-108 upon 1.5 meters away from the AIS receiver.
If you still can't see the name and MMSI, please send it back to the distributor you bought it from or the original brand for reparation.
Check the GPS (green light) first, if it keeps flashing means GPS has not searched then the AIS won't transmit. AT-102, AT-106, and AT-108 need to search the GPS before transmitting AIS signal. Make sure you put the trackers outdoor without a blind.
After the GPS fixed, the red and green lights will flash three times at the same time. Then you can check the receiver to see if the AIS signal receives successfully.
In the correct condition, check the antenna on the AT-102, AT-106, or AT-108 is work or not. You can put on the new antenna or exchange two devices and antenna for comparison.
If the signal is still hard to transmit and receive, please send it back to the distributor you bought it from or the original brand for reparation.
Please use different chargers for crossing detector, if it doesn't work for any of them, here are the probable causes:
Battery anomaly, the charger hole anomaly on the main broad or other parts defective please send it back to the distributor you bought it from or the original brand for reparation.
Keep flashing the green light due to transporter failed. Only AT-102, AT-106, and AT-108 receive the GPS signal the AIS will be transmitted. So you have to check the trackers were put outdoor without a blind.
If you still can't fix the GPS position, please send it back to the distributor you bought it from or the original brand for reparation.
It means the device hasn't set the MMSI yet, Please send it back to the distributor you bought it from or the original brand for the setting.
The char plotter connects to external AIS receiver and the chart plotter built-in AIS function can receive the AIS signal.
Please check the light on the device.
When you charge the AT-102, AT-106, and AT-108 it shows red light until it turns to green light means it's full of battery.
Then you can turn on the trackers to check the battery state by the flashing lights.
AT-102: Interval 1 mins-15 operation days.Interval 3 mins-20 operation days. Interval 6 mins-40 operation days.
AT-106: Interval 1 mins-20 operation days.Interval 3 mins-40 operation days. Interval 6 mins-50 operation days.
AT-108: Interval 1 mins-10 operation days.Interval 3 mins-15 operation days. Interval 6 mins-20 operation days.
Please go to the inquiry system page or sent a mail to (servive@skynav.com.tw), write down your demand and information, we will provide you the information you need.
Yes, we have the most professional team and OEM service that you can trust.
Please follow the User Manual.
Assemble with other brands may cause the joint waterproof fail, reduce the transmission range, and even burnout the parts.
You can bind it through the hole with a rod by tie and rope.
Please send it back to the distributor you bought it from or the original brand for reparation or buy the parts from the distributor for replacement.
The holes are designed to you to bind through a rod with a tie and rope.
We will provide the battery certification to prove the battery is safe. We don't suggest the battery be taken out, but if the forwarder insists on taking out. We will provide the agreement for you to sign and the User Manual of taking out the battery. But there are a few conditions that will affect the warranty of the products.
What is my inside cover plate and turn E7:E10button of AT-102, AT-106, or AT-108 are defective?